Dreams Do Come True: The Purple Book is getting patent listings!
The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009 (BPCIA) did not contain any provisions for patent listings for the products covered by the Act. That was a big difference between the BPCIA and Hatch-Waxman. As an Orange Book patents aficionado and the creator of the Orange Book Companion ® ( OBC ) , I had dreamed over the years of somehow collecting patents on biologics and creating a Purple Book Companion ™ ( PBC ). My plan would be for the PBC to provide enhanced info for biologics patents in the same way that my Orange Book Companion provides enhanced info for small molecule drug patents. You can see samples of the OBC ’s enhanced format on the OBC public homepage . Well, my dream may be about to come true! A January 15, 2021 alert from the Arent Fox firm described a three-page section of the 2,124-page “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021” (“the Act,” enacted December 27, 2020) which is entitled “S...