And the Orange Book patent listing champion is . . .
Over my years of using the Orange Book Companion® (“ OBC ”), I have occasionally noticed patent listings for a product that seem to go on forever. At that time I might wonder which product of the many products in the Orange Book has the most patents listed. But other priorities would intervene, and I never did anything to satisfy my idle curiosity until now. At first I thought that this would take a lot of coding to get the answer from the FDA’s monthly raw data. Then it came to me that the OBC ’s “master” table (from which all of the tables that subscribers see are derived) could be my source rather than the FDA’s raw data. Five minutes later I had the answer. It’s a three-way tie at 36 patents per product! The champions of patent listings are: AFREZZA ( insulin recombinant human ) from Mannkind Corp., BYDUREON PEN ( exenatide synthetic ) from AstraZeneca AB, and HYSINGLA (hydrocodone bitartrate) from Purdue Pharma LP. Not surprisingly, the patent listings for AFR